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Healed my pain with music

It is already years ago. She was my second girlfriend. I was completely in love with her. So much, that I overwhelmed her with it and the relationship got out of balance. It was a short and intense relation.

She ended it. I was completely lovesick, but I could win her back one more time. But in the end it was not enough.

Then I had a lot of pain. Although I hardly ever cry, then I cried. That made me feel soft inside and that helped. It was not a pleasant time. I felt miserable and couldn't think of anything else. I went to work, but inside there was a continues pain in the body.

I don't remember now how long it lasted. At least weeks, maybe even months.

It helped me a lot to write my feelings down on paper and write a song about it with my guitar.

That's how the pain faded away and at a certain point was over.

> 2 years ago

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