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Certified Imago Relationship Therapist  - UK - Aryeh
Online Relationship Therapy
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Aryeh | Certified Imago Relationship Therapist

Online Relationship Therapy

I am a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist and a BACP accredited psychotherapist with 14 years of counselling experience. I offer online therapy via Zoom as well as on WhatsApp.


I am passionate about helping couples in crisis to rebuild love and connection through improving communication and gaining greater insight into their relationship. I also specialize in overcoming anxiety and anger management.

I specialize in helping clients with  the following issues:

 Marital, Couples and Relationship Issues


Couples often experience a breakdown of communication, that causes a fight and flight reaction. These may become repetitive cycle of self destructive behaviour were anger expressed spins out of control. A reduction of emotional closeness, trust and physical intimacy  follows which can lead to crises in the relationship, affairs and even the threat of divorce.


Together we explore what you need, why there is disconnection and how you can get the relationship you want. A key to this is building open and calm communication in order to understand each other, resolve conflict and meet each others needs. We also focus on building greater appreciation, care and fun to reignite love and connection in the relationship. (For more information see the methodology section below)




Online therapy

I use both Zoom and WhatsApp.

Qualifications and registrations

MA Counselling and Psychotherapy, University of Wales - Regent College

Accredited Member of BACP

Certified Imago Relationship Therapist





Gaining greater insight into the dynamics of the relationship and its root of problem is the first stage of improving the relationship. Many relationships begin on a high, but when this begins to fade, the true person is revealed — warts and all. Negative traits may then begin to cause antagonism, and it is common for power struggles to develop in which each person strives to have their needs met. 
One common dynamic is a ‘Hailstorm and Turtle relationship’. The ‘hailstorm’ person criticizes the other – throwing hail stones at them. The other acts like a turtle, pulling away and going into their shell. The hailstorm person then thinks – I am not getting my point across, so they throw more and larger hails stones – which make the turtle withdraw even more. This is one example, there are of course many other difficult dynamics that occur in relationships which need to be understood.

Understanding  triggering, how pain from past relationships  may be projected onto current ones, can  also be very important in getting to grips with the cause of problems.


Gaining new communication skills plays a vital role in improving relationships. One important technique is known as “mirroring”, in which each person paraphrases the other’s opinion before expressing their own. Opinions are also expressed by using “I” statements reflecting how one feels, rather than with accusatory statements that begin with “you.” These help each person to feel  heard, understood, and creates an empathetic environment in which people can work together to resolve differences. 


Increasing acts of care, and giving, such as giving gifts, having a weekly “date” nights, or taking short trips away to spend quality time together, helps couples  to reconnect. Dr Gary Chapman, author of ‘The Five Love Languages’, explains that there are five ways in which we express and experience love: Gift Giving, Quality Time, Physical Touch, Acts of Service , and Words of. Appreciation. Different people have different ‘love languages’ and it’s important to understand what each person  appreciates .


I offer a free 20 minute introduction session to answer any questions you have and to understand how I can help you .
Individual Counselling - Online £100

Couples Counselling -   Online £100

(Each session is 50 minutes)

Availability (Opening hours)

Monday 11am-10pm
Tuesday 11am-10pm
Wednesday 11am-7pm
Thursday 11am-9pm
Friday 11am-4pm
Saturday -
Sunday 11am-1pm


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