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Couples Therapist / Individuals Therapist - UK - Alicia
Online Couples Counselling
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Alicia | Couples Therapist / Individuals Therapist

Online Couples Counselling

A warm welcome, whether you are an individual seeking counselling or whether you are wanting sessions with a partner or family member. Wherever you are I aim to offer you a warm, non-judgemental space where you can lay your cards on the table and spend time in the here and now to develop a deep understanding of who you are, how you are and where you want to be. 


I meet with people on line, on Zoom. Since moving my practice to working online, I have been surprised that how similar it feels to meeting with people face-to-face. When I have asked clients, they have said the same. I welcome clients from all over the UK, as well as overseas, for couples counselling and individual counselling.


I have been working with individuals since 2006 and have since trained in relationship counselling, specialising in strengthening complicated or fraught relationships with adults, in relationship with one-another.



Couples Therapy

Perhaps you are wanting to find a space to explore specific challenges within your relationship with your partner or individual i.e family member, or maybe you are trying to get on the same page with regards to the future of your relationship i.e working to stay together or working to separate. In every relationship, there will be a dynamic and this can lead to difficult, complicated feelings.


As a Couples Therapist I will be guiding you towards a steady, intentionally safe foundation from which you can explore your dynamic & communication style, alongside the context of what is important for you as individuals within your relationship. My sessions can be structured, with exercises and tools, or you might wish to let things unfold more organically.



Individuals Therapy

As an experienced, accredited Therapist (MBACP) I will encourage you to develop a clear and unique perspective on the areas of your life that you bring to Therapy. I trained in Gestalt and at the heart of my approach I will be working Holistically and Relationally, which means that the Here and Now relationship between you and I is kept in mind and attended to. I also draw from a range of models, depending on your needs. So for example, you might feel you want to achieve a specific outcome from Therapy, in which case I could introduce you to some therapeutic tools, to use outside of your sessions.


If you would like to know more or book an appointment, please send me a message. 




Online therapy

  • Zoom counselling

Qualifications and registrations

  • Diploma in Higher Education – Gestalt and Humanistic Counselling
  • Certificate, Counselling Skills - Gestalt
  • Level 1 & Advanced Level 2 Couples Counselling - Integrative
  • Certificate, working with children - Gestalt



I trained in Gestalt - which is a Humanistic model of Therapy. One way to understand Gestalt Therapy is to see a person and their experiences as a whole made up of many parts. Rather than isolating these many parts from one another, I would invite you see how they all make up one whole. 'Everything is connected'.


Couples I have worked with have come to see me with a range of issues, such as

  • Struggles with Communication
  • Struggles with Intimacy
  • Insecurities
  • Sexual Differences
  • Co-Parenting
  • Betrayal / Emotional or Physical Infidelity
  • Different Life Stages / Different Values and Beliefs
  • Traumatic Situations
  • Jealousy
  • and so much more



Couples Therapy:
75 minutes £110

Individuals Therapy:
50 minutes £70

Please Note: I am currently very full. It is still worth you reaching out to me; If I do not have anything that suits you now, you can join my waitlist. Thankn you. 


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